Online lending has greatly increased in popularity and that style of loan has grown exponentially. With all that information criss-crossing the internet highway the safety and security of your personal details are our top priorities. DirectLoansLenders provides the highest level of data security, so your personal details are always safe with us!

We don’t sell personal details to brokers!

We never sell any data to third parties. The borrowers’ details are shared only within our network of private lenders in order to get a better loan offer. This process is secured and encrypted.

We don’t keep any financial data

Your SSN, bank details, income information are removed immediately after the connecting process completes. We are using an off-site data center to store the borrower’s name, e-mail, and phone number. Lately, we have been using these details to send offers and reminders to the clients who chose to opt-in.

National infrastructure only!

The client’s details are stored on servers within the U.S. Our data center complies with high-security standards.

Your responsibility matters!

We do our best to ensure a high protection level for our clients. Still, we insist that you use personal details responsibly! Don’t enter your details on shady websites. Our customers may contact us anytime they might suspect fraud or scams from lenders. Our security team will check the information you provide and take proper actions.